My question for the day.........


Gold Site Supporter
i often am guilty of both things: offering an opinion that's already been stated, and hijacking a thread. i do it all the time, in fact. the way i see it, it's a conversation. lots of things are repeated and the subject may wander around a bit in normal conversation, so i think it's a fairly natural thing to do.

if i had to wait until i read every post carefully, then analyzed what i was about to say to see if it's a repeated sentiment, then i would post here very infrequently.

yes, i know. that probably would make some people happy, and maybe even keltin would come back, but i like to hear myself speak, so i ain't quittin'.

+1 BT. I think I remember a forum where a bit of straying put that person on the "potential ban" list.


New member
I don't think the OP said anything about straying, but it certainly seems this thread has strayed... as straying was never mentioned.
Not that there's anything wrong with straying. :smile:

A few have drawn comparisons on real life conversations and politeness. And I'm going to add my 0.02.

If I am talking with two other guys, and one guy asks what order do you tighten lug nuts in, and the other guy says just tighten them so you don't tighten two lugs that are next to each other, I'm not going to wait a while and then say, just tighten them so you don't tighten two that are next to each other...
THAT, (in my opinion) would be being impolite. Why? Because I just ignored this person as if his answer didn't mean squat. As if to say, ignore him, this is the right way, yet I just repeated him.
What I would say is; Yep, that's how I do it too. Or; The same here, but add a little spit to the last lug for luck.

I don't know. Maybe the conversations I am in work differently. I try to pay attention to what other people say. And if I don't hear them (read all the posts), then I say; Sorry, this is what I'd do. Did they already say that?

Interesting thread though.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
Hard to say. I tend to read the majority of threads and often but not always, I'll read the majority of posts in a thread. Not always is the key phrase. You see a thread has 25 responses but 15 of them are either nothing other than a quote and a smiley or it's a tangent that is off the original topic.
At what point is a poster excused from reading all the posts before posting his or her own response? 25? 30?
I've always seen threads as little conversations. Personally, I try to respond to each original post made to a thread I started (with the exception of the dinner thread). It doesn't bother me if 12 people say the same thing. I see each person's contribution as a valid contribution, regardless if it's been said in post 2 8, 15, etc.
I understand your frustration, especially when time is in question. However, I like to believe that if I say the same thing another poster said, it's equally as welcomed as the first person's thought. I'm responding to the original poster, not necessarily the entire thread.


New member
I think I'll be better off just reading the posts and staying away from the drama which has seem to come up lately on here. Just my opinion. No offense to anyone. All enjoy Hump Day!:whistling:


Grill Master
there's always drama going on with us, meme. that's why many of us were the misfits in another forum where the moderators tried to rule with childlike efficiency.

that speaks to the point of this conversation, though. do we really need strict rules, and maybe someone to hand out naughty slips (i vote for f-mom) when i tell someone how to tighten a nut, spit and all, after it's been mentioned? i think not.

and while i'm at it, off topic a bit, if i find offense in a post like something that is often seen as racist such as a confederate flag, can i not bitch about it? i didn't ask for the post to be deleted, but rather just stated my opinion. i would have welcomed a conversation on that.

respect for each other is easily found in commonalities, but defined in disagreement. so i say bring on the drama.

ok, back to not reading every post, then commenting.

what's the point of being part of a group discussion if you are only looking for a single answer, with no confirmative reiteration?


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Gold Site Supporter
You're too grouchy today to post. Go back to bed for a couple hours and try again later.

What you describe happens all over the net, and if you start pointing out to people that their opinion does not matter (even though it's the same as the first poster), then you start alienating people and they go elsewhere where they feel part of the group. We have some folks (and every forum has them) that sit by waiting for a new post so they can be the first to give their opinion. If it mirrors everyone else, then the thread is dead. I don't really see it as a problem when you compare it to people who hijack a thread and have one sentence conversations inside a thread like it's their personal chat room. :whistling:

Point to be made is that we all live in glass houses, and if we all bitched about what bugs us and demanded that it be stopped, there would be no forum. We all live in glass houses, so let's watch the stone throwing.

Have another cup of coffee and a sticky bun (yeah, like there's any of those left after Monday night). You'll feel better in a little while.:wave:

If I'm asking for advice, I'd rather have ten people tell me the same thing. That usually means it's good advice. If I get ten different opinions, then I'm back to square one.

Well said Joe and Robsan.
I'm replying here and I have not read all the posts. What happens if when reading a thread and you see a post you want to reply to ...but there are more pages in the thread?
I go ahead and reply. I'm old, and my mind wanders. By the time I get to the end of the thread i will have forgotten about replying to these posts I do it while I am thinking of it.

Forums are made up of posts and threads. Please don't discourage folks from posting. It's okay to agree and post that you agree. 2nd 3rd and 4th opinions help reinforce the thought.

Now I fear some will see this and say well, I better not post cause I was going to say much the same as someone else ...or I have not read all 15 pages of the thread so I should not post. Hogwash. Post away.

I've got into many threads that go 10 or more pages. I do not remember every post. Then someone resurrects the thread ...I sure do not reread all the pages of the thread. If I have a response to the latest poster I post it. We want the forums to be fun and relaxing. Not a test of whether or not you remember that Jane said the very same thing on page two of this thread. Fa get about it. you don't have to even wonder. Speak your peace. It's okay.

While I'm at it I'll also mention ....I can't read every post or thread on here. Some days I miss quite a few. I'm tickled when someone bumps an older thread cause many times I have not seen it. This gives all of us an extra chance to catch that recipe or info. It's okay to bring up old threads otherwise I would not keep them in the database.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌎🦋
Gold Site Supporter
Thanks Doc, that sorta makes myself and a few others more comfortable.
Think I'll kick away the egg shells that have gathered under me feets. :D


New member
and while i'm at it, off topic a bit, if i find offense in a post like something that is often seen as racist such as a confederate flag, can i not bitch about it? i didn't ask for the post to be deleted, but rather just stated my opinion. i would have welcomed a conversation on that.

In my opinion, no. I thought it was rude, but that's just me (saying what others felt, too).
I find it odd that someone who lives and works in a such a culturally diverse area as yours would comment on such a thing. Do you do this in public, too, or just behind the comfort of your monitor? Do you tell Muslims to remove their headgear because it reminds you of 911? Do you tell cowboys to take off their hats because it reminds you of our ancestors pushing Native Americans across the US and forcing them to live on reservations? Maybe you should stop having Thanksgiving, too, as that certainly didn't work out well for the Pequots...

Geez, who was it that said don't type what you wouldn't say in public? I don't even know why you're dredging this up.

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
OK, ok. I think things are getting heated and I know it is not what the OP had in mind when she started this thread.

Here's what I see: Homecook was commenting on something we have all mentioned in the past. Heck, we even had a running joke about it. Remember the Kimster thread? But because homecook is someone we all love and respect, we read her post carefully and dismayed at the idea that perhaps we had been guilty of not reading threads before posting. (Which I know I have done, but I try not to.) It made some people a little defensive. But that's not what homecook was intending. This wasn't her pointing the finger at anyone - just a personal observation. But, like all interesting threads, it has meandered off in a lot of directions. I just hate to see it become a thread where everyone brings up things that have bug them or have bugged them in the past because it will surely end badly.


Gold Site Supporter
What Terry said.

NCT is a conversation, in fact an International conversation. conversations wander.

Personally when threads get long it is sometimes hard to read all the posts. When I am faces with that, I read the last 20 or so. If I see that what I want to say has been said that is enough. A few times, I have posted, only to read farther and find out I am all wet. It happens. I take strength in that I am among friends that Ihave chosen to be among. That's enough for me.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
OK, ok. I think things are getting heated and I know it is not what the OP had in mind when she started this thread.

Here's what I see: Homecook was commenting on something we have all mentioned in the past. Heck, we even had a running joke about it. Remember the Kimster thread? But because homecook is someone we all love and respect, we read her post carefully and dismayed at the idea that perhaps we had been guilty of not reading threads before posting. (Which I know I have done, but I try not to.) It made some people a little defensive. But that's not what homecook was intending. This wasn't her pointing the finger at anyone - just a personal observation. But, like all interesting threads, it has meandered off in a lot of directions. I just hate to see it become a thread where everyone brings up things that have bug them or have bugged them in the past because it will surely end badly.
Thanks Terry, well said.
Barb was simply stating her opinion, and as she said, she had not had her first cup of coffee. :D We've all been there.
I got word of folks feeling they should not post. That is the last thing I want to happen, and I think Barb feels the same. I think I know her well enough to read into what she typed. It was not a vendetta against any one person. Though I've had more than one come to me thinking it was them. Barb typed what she felt at the moment. Same as I did in my post above. I hope other members all feel free to post whatever they feel in any thread at any time. Even if it is repeating an opinion but saying it in your own words. It's all okay. But do remember, I like to think of us all as friends but rarely will we all agree. That's okay. That's life. We move on with no hard feelings.


Grill Master
Staff member
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Well, I didn't see this thread yesterday, but I agree with Barb and Chow and whoever else believes it is polite to consider what others have written first, before posting one's own pearls of wisdom.

I don't have as much time to read NCT as I used to, and if there's a possibility that I'm repeating what someone said in a VERRRRRY long thread that I couldn't keep up with, then I apologize in my post. Threads that are two or three pages or less, hell, they just take a minute to read.

For those of us who like to just "post and run" .... well, have you met Kimster????? :huh:

This is small stuff, in any case, and should not be sweated. Save the sweat for the big stuff.



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Well, I’m bad about responding to a post before I’ve read the whole thread. I do the same with email chains. :doh:

I’m trying to stop that, but on occasion, as you read, you go “Hey, I think this” and just want to get it out there before you forget.

It’s like the game Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. The life-line when they poll the audience… percentage of answers has got to be right…..right? So if I see several posts saying “Yeah, me too” then I figure it must work and I should at least try it.