Hells Kitchen is back......

smoke king

and even though I said I was done watching it, its like a bad car accident-I can't look away!!:bonk:

I really have to find something else to do on Tuesday nights.....


I hazard that Hell's Kitchen might qualify as one of the most BLEEPED shows on the tube.
That said.. yeah I'll watch. But only because my wife likes it. That's my story, you DONKEY, and I'm BLEEPING BLEEP sticking BLEEEP donkey! Bleeep to it BLEEEEEP BLEEEP.
Now I must go throw some food at someone.


Active member
We watched part of it last night... Paul doesn't like it though so... I don't think it'll be one of the top watched shows at our house.


oh crap, I missed it. Oh well, had more fun at pub trivia, even if we lost big time.
I never really considered it a cooking competition, more of a "who can survive the Donkey Man longest" thing,
with cooking as the hook.

smoke king

lol Kimchee- first night and a couple of "Donkeys" already-he was tossing them out of the kitchen right and left!!

"Reality show with cooking as the hook"....very well said!