And now the rest of the story

smoke king

Theres been a lot of speculation as to the cause of my recent hospitalization, and I wanted to take this time to tell everyone myself. My wife had been in contact with Sattie regarding the nature of my illness, and per my wishes, she kept a lid on it. It wasn't that I was ashamed, I just felt that it was better to hear it from me.

On Febuary 16, I suffered an Acute Psychotic Break-aka "Nervous Breakdown". I have had depression issues for a long time, and quite possibly my entire life (per my Doctors) but had always managed to keep them in check. As silly as it sounds, things really started to go downhill for me when I lost my Dog Bailey last summer. I was on anti-depressant medication, but I really started to drink pretty heavily. Also, I started to diet in late 2007, and managed to lose almost 70 lbs. The reason I mention that is that I still wanted to lose about 10 more, so I found a product on a bodybuilding website that sounded perfect for what I was trying to do, so I ordered it and added it to my daily regimen. (This will all make sense as the story progresses)

So I began taking the "Noxycut" four times a day, and went on with my life. I still functioned normally, taking care of the household chores, etc, and having a few drinks in the evenings, to take the "edge off". I should also mention that I've had some back problems, so occasionally, I would add Soma or Darvocet to the mix.

Some of you may recall a thread I started over at DC regarding my step daughter moving in to our home. In the past she had stolen from us (to the tune of about 6000$) had drug and drinking problems, and was simply of low moral character. Well, in November, she moved in, against our better judgement, and almost immedietly her old bs started up. Couple that with my 86 year old Aunt, solidly in the grip of Alzheimers living here as well, and the stress was off the chart.

Around the holidays, my wife had mentioned to me that my mood was getting increasinly fatalistic and dark, and to make matters worse, I was getting very aggresive. Suddenly, I had a hair trigger temper, and was subject to mood swings-mostly mean and meaner. About this time, I had run out of my anti depressant medication, and my doctor wouldn't refill it unless I came in. For some reason, I took this as a challenge, and decided that I could do without. Mistake #1-Never, ever, stop taking anti-depressant medication cold turkey. This is a very dangerous thing to do. Remember the Noxycut? Come to find out these are full of a testosterone booster. Basically, I was experiencing a mild form of "roid-rage", which is where my aggression was coming from.

On the weekend of Valentines day, things were coming to a head. I was planning a trip to Tennesee to visit my kids, and say my goodbyes. For me, it was as a matter of fact as putting gas in the car. It wasn't that I was sick, it was that in my mind I had outlived my usefullness and it was time for me to die. I justified it in my mind by telling myself that I would soon be with my Bailey. The frightning thing about this was that I wasn't frightend or scared in the least. I really believed that it was my time to die.

What I didn't understand was that the meltdown had already started. On Valentines day we had an altercation with step-daughter, and while I thought I was past it, there was one comment she made that stuck in my head, and I replayed it over and over and over again. On Sunday, I spent the whole day in the basement, watching "Gangland" on the history channel, and of course, drinking. For some reason, watching the inner-working of these street gangs and bikers only fueled the fire, and after a day of this, I was left wondering why I had never felt the level of honor and commitment that these guys had. I know that sounds ridiculous, but keep in mind that at this point, my brain was like silly putty-and unable to operate rationally.

I made it through Sunday, and on Monday I began to plan my trip to Tennesee. I started to put together things I deemed necessary for travel-Pills,Brass Knuckles, knives and spent the day trying to find a gun to take. I should point out to that as things began to spin out of control, shaving, showering, eating were all forgotten.

Things were very tense around the house as you can imagine, but I was still functioning. At 5:00 PM I was making chicken wings, by 7:00PM I was in handcuffs and on my way to protective custody. I thank God my wife knew enough to call the police. If she hadn't, I would have killed myself for sure. What happened between 5 and 7 is still very blurry to me, but reading the report now is hard for me. I can't believe that I was capable of those things. To make matters worse, the police were only going to take me to the hospital, but after the handcuffs went on, I started ranting and raving to the point they had to arrest me, and piled the charges on to boot. After 3 days in a suicide cell (buck naked with only a blanket) the judge set my bail at 50k!! The next day, they shackled me up and took me to the nut-house, and well, you all know the rest.

The doctors diagnosed me as severly depressed, Bi-polar, with deep anger issues and paranoia, along with a ton of secondary issues. As an added bonus, it seems my drinking and (lack of) a diet, did some pretty significant Liver damage as well. I'm still in daily therepy, and will be for some time to come. Inpatient or Outptient, that is still up in the air. The upside? Well, I've squared myself with all of it this way. This was inevitable. It was going to happen. I'm lucky that my wife was there, and knew what to do. Had I made the trip to Tennesee, I likely would'nt have made it back. Its scary to imagine the "what ifs" with this. Today, I'm still not 100% back. But I feel good, and more importantly, I feel hopeful. I am on a boatload of new meds, but thats OK. I want to be around for a good long while. I hope that I am able to finish of my treatment as an outpatient so I don't have to leave home again.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I can't say how much all of your thoughts & prayers meant to me. I still read them daily and can't believe how fortunate I am to have you all in my life. For what its worth, your all listed as part of my "crisis support team" at the hospital. I've still got a ways to go, so I hope you will all keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Your certainly all in mine.


Mini man - maxi food
Gold Site Supporter
Smoke King
Thank you for posting this. I pray for your health to be fully restored.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🩺
Gold Site Supporter
But I feel good, and more importantly, I feel hopeful. I am on a boatload of new meds, but thats OK. I want to be around for a good long while. I hope that I am able to finish of my treatment as an outpatient so I don't have to leave home again.

From the sound of things, seems like you've got a handle on the situation.
You appear to be a pretty amazing fella, SK.
God Bless You!


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Wow SK. That had to be tough to share, but thanks for sharing. More thoughts and prayers on the way. Keep on keeping on buddy. We'll help you through this as best we can long as you let us. :thumb:

smoke king

From the sound of things, seems like you've got a handle on the situation.
You appear to be a pretty amazing fella, SK.
God Bless You!

Thanks for the kind words. I don't know how amazing I am, but I am blessed with an amazing wife, and amazing friends here at NCT. :mrgreen:


New member
You were very open, Smoky. It makes me reflect a little more on the bond we develop over the internet. I'm touched you shared that story with me (us) in a public post.
I'm here for you if needed as is most everybody here.


New member
Wow is all I can say! My thoughts and prayers will be with you every day!! Thank God for your wife also, you both have my prayers.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Wow SK! Thank you for sharing that with us. You are a very Blessed man to have such a wonderful, loving wife. I'll keep praying for a full recovery!


New member
Gold Site Supporter
You will stay in my thoughts SK, just take it one day at a time.


Thanks for sharing, it is a brave thing to do. God's speed to a full recovery. Stay well my friend.



Resident Rocker Lady
Bob, you are very brave. And you know that we are here to support you and cheer you on. My continued prayers will be with you. BTW... I think you are pretty amazing!


New member
My friend, as I sit here 6 months pregnant with a new life in my belly, I cant begin tell you how glad I am that you are still with us! Thank you for sharing with us, I know everyone here will help you through this.
Lord knows Ive had my share of ups & have taken your first step in the right direction and for that I commend you. : )


Gold Site Supporter
You will stay in my thoughts SK, just take it one day at a time.

Indeed. There's a touch of that in my family right now and you must stay in the here and now. Welcome back, SK. If there's anything I can do just ask.



New member
Gold Site Supporter
Thanks for sharing SK, that is an incredible story. Give your wife a big thank you from me (all of us) as well! DW and I will continue to you keep you in our thoughts and prayers! Just take it one step at a time, and always know you have many friends here!

In high school Spanish class, I learned a phrase that has always stuck with me:

Poco a poco, se va lejos.

Little by little, we go far!

Keep it up my man!!!


Tortes Are Us
Super Site Supporter
Smoke king, I am very grateful that you were lucky enough to find help before it was too late. You are not alone. A lot of people care about you and love you. It is not your fault that you got sick and there is no shame in it. It is not some deficiency or failing on your part. Some people have heart disease other people have emotional diseases. The body is a machine and all of its parts can have problems from time to time. I, too, think you are very brave for sharing and want you to know that I wish you all the best always. I will still keep you in my prayers but it sounds as if you are on the road to recovery. Keep it up!!!! Hugs and a great big smooch (if that is all right with dw)!


Ni pedo
Site Supporter
thank you for sharing SK.

my family has had its fair share of different disorders. my uncle is a paranoid schizophreniac and i have a couple of other relatives that are bi-polar. we have and we still live with their disorders as they do.

just take things one step at a time and stay on those meds. keep your friends close and your loved ones even closer. everybody is here for you and no judgements are ever made my friend.

we missed you when you were gone.


Dough Boy
Site Supporter
Best of luck to you SK. I have a friend who is bi-polar most of his adult life, and has been very even-keeled for almost a year now, thanks to a good doctor, and more importantly, good friends. When Jim finally opened up and let his friends know what he was dealing with, his doctor said that was the first step on the road to recovery and long term maintenance. Now when his friends notice changes in his behavior, they know better how to deal with it, and to let him know something is not right. We no longer dismiss him as being moody or pissed off at us, but recognize it as something serious that needs to be addressed. As it is with all "Good Friends," we don't let up on him until he has been in contact with the doc and had things brought under control.

We're all pulling for you, and don't ever be afraid to reach out for help if you feel yourself slipping. We'll be your crutch when you need us. We all have some sort of demon that we live with or some cross to bear, and helping a friend deal with their problems makes ours seem insignificant at times.



New member
We have complete faith in your bouncing back from this tremendous oreal you and your wife have been enduring. The reason I am so confidant is because of the unwavering love that surrounds you! And I know that love in your life you would not nor could not take for granted, keep it close to you SK!
Prayers will NEVER stop! {{{{:)}}}}


Gold Site Supporter
Bob, hug your wife for loving you enough to step in when you needed her most, hug her for starting yoru path back to being yourself.

accept my respect and congratulations for being enough of an adult to face this difficult time square on.

Thank you for thinking enough of your virtual friends to speak with us.

Please know that we all are here for you. If I can do anything just let me know.



The Invisible
Super Site Supporter
I'm glad that you got help, Bob. Things happen in life and we try to "fix" what we can without thinking about the toll it's taking on our bodies. I'm glad to have my friend back and that you have a wife that loves you. Lots of love and big hugs to you my friend!!


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Holy chit, Bob! I don't know about anyone else here, but I had NO idea that anything like that was going on with you when you posted! Damn, I wish I HAD known!

Well, you know? I believe that everything happens for a reason. There was a reason you had to go through all of what you went through, and it's all for the best now. You will always be better for having done so.

I hope the stepdaughter and aunt situations are either better now, or that you are better able to cope with them.

Glad to have you back, Bob! As others have said, please give my very best to your wife. :)

Whacha gonna cook next?????



New member
Sk thanks for sharing your story. Glad to hear that things are resolving. So important for the people who love you to step in when things start to unravel.


New member
Yuh don't hafta worry about losing respect from this quarter. Nawsiree! You're a helluva man for fessin' up and reachin' out fer help.

God bless you and your wife. It had to be a helluva tough thing for her to see, you going out the door in handcuffs, but she knew what she hadda do. It's called tough love. She's a helluva woman.

We're here fer ya.

smoke king

Wow. I am completely overwhelmed by all of you. I don't know what to say. I am truly blessed and a better person for knowing you. Right now, I am drawing a lot of strength from this forum, and will continue to do so as I progress.

I know I have a lot of PM's to get out, and I will get them out. I am still getting used to the meds, so please be a little patient. For the time being, please know that I'm thankful for each and every one of you, and we'll talk soon!

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
Wow, SK! I’m humbled by your openness and honesty. You’ve been to hell and back and lived to tell the tale, my friend. We’re honored that you share this with us and I hope you know that we all have your back while you are getting stronger and healthier. As lots of other people mentioned, depression is a problem that most of us have intimate knowledge of, either within ourselves or those we love. As you found, it doesn't take much in the way of changes in stress levels or meds or lifestyle to start the avalanche downward. Thank goodness you have made your way out of it and are on your way to feeling well. We love you here and don't want to lose you.

Please tell Mrs. Smoke that she has my admiration and gratitude for saving you and keeping the home fires burning while you were gone. She must be an exceptional woman! (And you must be pretty special yourself to have a wife like that.)