Trivia 5/4


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Trivia 5/4


Ancient pagan cultures, such as the Celts, believed that benevolent and helpful spirits lived in trees. Knocking on tree trunks roused a spirit for protection, which led to the saying "knock on wood".

1 Name That Product !

"Look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp!"

2. In what state did the Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick scandal occur?

3. George Wallace's famous "stand in the schoolhouse door" in June 1963 took place at which college?

4. What part of the atmosphere are you breathing right now: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the ionosphere or the bathysphere?

5. By what Scale is tornado intensity measured?

6. Which stage of the life cycle of a moth does the cocoon represent?

a. - Larva

b. - Egg

c. - Pupa

d. - Adult

7. Which military detail involves working in the chow hall?

8. What is the more common name of the genetic disorder Trisomy 21 ?

a. - Klinefelter's Syndrome

b. - Adrenal Leukodystrophy

c. - Huntington's Chorea

d. - Down Syndrome


There are five ingredients in Allspice.





















1 Gillette Razor Blades

2. Massachusetts

3. The University of Alabama

4. Troposphere

5. Fujita Scale

6. - c

7. KP

8. - d


There is only one ingredient in allspice, and that is the dried berries of the Pimenta dioica tree. The word "complexity of flavor" rather than "mixture of spices" refers to the combination of flavors of multiple spices, such as cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and pepper.