Sunday Special - Wedding Bell Blues


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Sunday Special - Wedding Bell Blues

1. A French wedding cake is traditionally made from which type of pastry ?
2. Which star of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial also starred in The Wedding singer ?
3. Which tough-guy actor married Ali McGraw in 1973 ?
4. Who are the only (so far) US Presidents to have been divorced ?
5. Who did actor Don Johnson marry TWICE ?
6. Which two ex-Wimbledon Champs of the 1990's subsequently married each other ?
7. Collectively, how many times were John, Paul, George and Ringo married ?
8. Who was Elizabeth Taylor's husband when they were both nominated for an Oscar ?
9. Which Oscar winner was once married to Tom Cruise ?
10. Who was married to Ava Gardner when both were Oscar-nominated ?
11. How many Catherines did Henry VIII marry ?
12. What Action-Movie actor said, "I was married by a Judge; I should have asked for a Jury!" ?
13. Which Talk-Show host said, "Marriage is grand; Divorce is Twenty Grand" ?
14. Who played Michael Douglas' wife in A Perfect Murder ?
15. Who was playwright Arthur Miller's most famous bride ?
1. Choux Pastry
2. Drew Barrymore
3. Steve McQueen
4. Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump
5. Melanie Griffith
6. Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf
7. eight times total
8. Richard Burton
9. Nicole Kidman
10. Frank Sinatra
11. Three
12. Sylvester Stallone
13. Jay Leno
14. Gwyneth Paltro
15. Marilyn Monroe
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