trivia 12/5


Grill Master
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trivia 12/5
Originally a schoolteacher, Pavarotti only began his vocal training in his
20’s but nevertheless became one of the most successful tenors of all time.

1. How many layers are in a standard Rubik's Cube?
2. Which charity do some North American trick-or-treaters collect for with
the little orange boxes they carry on Halloween?
3. There are four kinds of triad chords (chords made up of three notes).
There is major , minor, diminished, and...what ?
4. What dark resin is harvested from spiny trees that primarily grow in the
Horn of Africa?
a. - Amber
b. - Dragon's Blood
c. - Balsam
d. - Myrrh
5. The Dodo bird was discovered in 1662 ; when did it go extinct ?
a. - 1681
b. - 1701
c. - 1721
d. - 1741
6. Movie Tag-Lines ;
"A mother. A daughter. Three possible fathers. Take a trip down the aisle
you'll never forget."
7. What was the former name of Belize?
8. When a baby is born, it has a cartilage skeleton. Towards maturity, the
skeleton gradually hardens and turns from cartilage to bone. What is this
process called?

The genetic condition called Adermatologlyphia means a person is born with a
severely deficient amount of taste buds.
1. - 3
3. Augmented
4. - d
5. - a
6. Mamma Mia!
7. British Honduras
8. Ossification

The genetic condition called Adermatologlyphia means a person is born
without any grooves or pads on their fingertips, making it impossible to
leave a fingerprint.