Chowhound goes double green.


New member


New member
Nip it you guys, you..... :wink:
Thanks, but I don't get into the whole, how much karma, how many friends, how popular thing, that is going on. Can't we just be friendly without a reward system :huh:

Or did I win something?! :w00t::clap::bounce:


New member
Sure, if that's you're thing. But any excuse for another party's what we're about.
If I didn't like us; friends, karma, whatever, I wouldn't be here.
So suck it up guy, & take the verbal {{hugs}} where you get them and like it. So there!


Grill Master
congrats ya canine curmudgeon! like cali said, you're gonna take it, like it, and ask for more.

hey, why am i doing vb's job???