Attention - Breaking news


Resident Rocker Lady
Cara... LOL... I had the same thought... figured she would be the first to hit 1000! Congrats Trish!!!! You are the bestest! And Happy Birthday! I figured I would throw that in there too... I figure it is coming up some time this year right?


New member
LOL! Sattie, that's only if you weren't born on leap day on leap year!

Mav was the BIG DOG, so I guess that makes you ......


(I know it's a guy, but couldn't think of anything else on such short notice! LOL!)


New member
:dancing:Woot!! Woot!!! After mav hit 1,000, Trish was on a mission!!!!:wink: Way to go!!!
Maybe sometime NEXT year I will have that many:yum: