I'd like to hear from you.

The Tourist

As Jim_Slagle and Doc and I have discussed, we'd like to make NC into a dynamic cuisine and food preparation forum. Obviously, my part is in knives and sharpening.

To that end, I'm still not sure on where your interests lie. Are you researching Japanese knives? Are you assembling a slate of kitchen equipment that must work in harmony. (i.e., of what should a cutting board be made when using laminated knives?)

Many times I know the name of the knife and even the distributor who carries it. Lots of times I do research until 2:00AM in the morning--ask Sattie!

However, if I'm not writing about things that interest you, this section will never be popular and well-read.

But I'd like to know. Here's an example. Many times a potential client says, "Oh, Chico, I'm embarrassed to show you my junk knives!"

And then with a minor repair or polish, that piece of junk turns into their "favorite knife." And I believe that having fun and functional utensils of any sort adds to the joys of cooking--even the simplest of meals.

I sliced up a bunch of yellow and red tomatoes for dinner with a nice nakiri while my wife and I shared the events of our work day. You'll notice I still remember that night...


New member
My interests are, of course, knives and sharpening, but also Tabasco sauce, truly HOT piquante sauce, good pasta, tamales with HOT green chiles, steak and kidney pie, haggis, Cajun, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, German, Mexican and other food.

I'm also young enough to remember chasing girls, but old enough that I can't seem to remember why! :confused::shock::confused: