trivia 6/5


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
trivia 6/5
There are more reports annually of humans biting other humans in New York
City alone, than there are reports of sharks biting humans world wide !

1. In WWII what did the abbreviation VE mean?
2. Angelina Jolie who plays 'Lara Croft' in the movie 'Tomb Raider' is the
daughter of which actor?
3. What is the name of a young hen less than one year old?
4. What is the name for a group of beavers?
a. - Congregation
b. - Colony
c. - Family
d. - Brace
5. The fastest animal in the world is not the cheetah. What is it ?
6. If I suffer from Mysophobia (or misophobia) , what is it I fear ?
a. - Soup
b. - Dirt / Germs
c. - Pottery / China
d. - Exercise
7. The "Dark Side of the Rainbow" phenomenon refers to listening to Pink
Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" while watching which classic film?
8. How many countries border Panama?
a. - 1
b. - 2
c. - 3
d. - 4
Statistically , right-handed people live longer than left-handed people.
1. Victory in Europe
2. John Voight
3. a Pullet
4. - b
5. Peregrine falcon
6. - b
7. The Wizard of Oz
8. - B
Sorry southpaws, but it's true.
A possible cause might be that lefties suffer more fatal accidents in a world engineered and designed for righties !