trivia 3/25


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trivia 3/25
The killer whale, or orca, is the fastest of all the whale species and among the swiftest of all marine animals with a capable swimming speed of 35 miles per hour. Only tuna, marlin, sailfish, and swordfish are faster.

1. The Chinese Zodiac is based on the teachings of what philosopher ?
2. What musical talent does Satan display in the classic Charlie Daniels song ?
3. What sport's vocabulary uses the word "Mulligan" ?
4. What famous composer wrote Fidelio, his only opera ?
5. In what Steinbeck novel will I find a character named Tom Joad ?
6. What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by water ?
a. - 38%
b. - 50%
c. - 63%
d. - 71%
7. The former penal colony of Devil's Island was located off the coast of what country ?
8. When do "Blue Laws" curtail certain activities ?
A "Dirty Bomb" is a nuclear weapon.

1. Confucius
2. Fiddling
3. Golf
4. Beethoven
5. The Grapes of Wrath
6. - d
7. French Guiana
8. On Sundays
The term "dirty bomb" is often used to refer to an RDD, which stands for "radiological
dispersal device".
These types of explosives contain radioactive material, but they are far less powerful than
a nuclear device.