Roasted Jalapeno Cauliflower Soup


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1 large spanish onion, sliced thin
2 medium carrots, julienned
2 stalks celery, chopped fine
1 bag frozen cauliflower florets or 1 head fresh
3 jalapenos
5 garlic cloves, whole
1 Tablespoon coriander(or a bit of fresh cilantro)
10 sprigs fresh thyme
2 T butter
4 T vegetable oil
4 cups chicken stock
1/2 - 1 tsp ground black pepper
salt to taste

Preheat oven to 375-400*F

Toss cauliflower with whole peeled garlic cloves and jalepenos, thyme, 1 t. corianer, 2 t oil.
Roast in baking pan for 40 min or until brown.
When done, skin, seed and chop jalepenos.

Heat large pot with butter and remaining oil.
Saute onions, carrots, celery for 10 min
Add remaining coriander, seasoning salt.
Cook 15-30 min or until lightly browned and soft.
Add bullion and water, pepper. heat to simmering. Cook for 20 min.

Add roasted cauliflower and chopped jalepenos to soup.

If desired, blend.

Serve with sprinkling of chopped parsley, sea salt and fresh garlic. If feeling fancy or desiring of more protein add grilled, barely chopped shrimp and a side of garlic toasts for dipping or a simply dressed salad.