trivia 3/5


Grill Master
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trivia 3/5
Brazil couldn't afford to send its athletes to the 1932 Olympics in Los
Angeles. So they loaded their ship with coffee and sold it along the way.

1. Who played Edith Bunker on "All in the Family"?
2. Unscramble the Animal ! (Hint; the Capital letter is the first...)
3. Which famous American radio character of the 1930's was introduced this
way? "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? ________ knows!"
4. In the field of mathematics, 6, 28 and 496 are the first three examples
of which type of numbers?
5. What does heliotherapy use to treat disease?
6. Who changed the religious face of the Roman Empire with his Edict of
Milan in 313 C.E.?
7. Military leaders who ruled under the rulership of the Japanese Emperor
were called ...what ?
8. In the movie "Christine" what kind of car was featured?
(Looking for the Year, Make, Model & colors)

The ashes of a deceased American rest on the Moon.
1. Jean Stapleton
2. Chameleon
3. the Shadow
4. 'Perfect' numbers
5. Light
6. Constantine
7. Shogun
8. 1957 Red and White Plymouth Fury

Gene Shoemaker is best known for co-discovering the Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9
with his wife
Carolyn S. Shoemaker and David H. Levy.
On July 31, 1999, his ashes were carried to the Moon by the Lunar Prospector
space probe in a capsule designed by Carolyn Porco. He is the only person
whose ashes have been buried on any celestial body outside Earth.