trivia 12/30


Grill Master
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trivia 12/30
The State which averages the most tornadoes each year is Texas .

1. Really tough question Dept;
What team's baseball cap was Tom Selleck wont to wear in most of his Magnum, P.I. episodes ?
2. What constellation is depicted on the Australian flag ?
3. What, exactly, does an Electrocardiogram produce ?
4. Where are a butterfly's taste buds ?
5. Which country produces the overwhelming majority of Panama Hats ?
6. In the movie Finding Nemo, what kind of fish were Marlin and Nemo ?
7. What are the only two "Vegetables" the are really in the "Flower" family ?
8. Which fruit is the best source of vitamin c, Strawberries, Kiwifruit, or oranges ?
When you've had too much to drink, and you are too far from home, a few cups of strong coffee will sober you up so you can get home........
1. Detroit Tigers
2. the Southern Cross
3. an ultra-sound of the heart
4. on it's feet
5. Ecuador
6. Clownfish
7. Broccoli and Cauliflower
8. Strawberries
It is widely believed that consuming coffee when drunk will sober a person up, but this myth has now been debunked by researchers. While alcohol may lessen the effects of caffeine, caffeine does not reverse the impaired decision-making brought on by alcohol. The mistaken belief that it does could have tragic results, as people too impaired to drive may choose to get behind the wheel after downing a few cups of coffee. Furthermore, because caffeine makes people feel more alert, it makes it harder for those who are drunk to recognize that their cognitive processes remain impaired.