Friday Special - Mixed Bag


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Friday Special - Mixed Bag

1. Who wrote “Great Expectations” ?
2. When viewing a world map, which two continents appear to be two pieces of a jig saw puzzle ?
3. What word for a person who exerts control over another came from a character in George du Maurier's 1895 novel "Trilby"?
4. In addition to the driver, many times a stagecoach had a second company man along on the ride. What was that person called?
5. What was Edward M. Kennedy’s Middle name ?
6. The Foo Fighters' first album was released in 1995. Who played guitar, bass and drums on this album?
7. Who wrote the murder mystery story entitled, "And Then There Were None"
8. In the film directed by Stanley Kubrick, "The Shining," to what does "shining" refer?
9. The word for which class of animals comes from the Greek words for "living a double life"?
10. What is a Slush Puppie?
11. What is the dominant religion in Bangladesh ?
12. What is the largest island of the Philippine Archipelago?
13. Which Asian group of islands suffered a lot in 1991 from the eruption of a volcano called Mount Pinatubo?
14. If someone decides to enter a religious order as a monk or nun, there are specific lifelong vows they must take. What are the three traditional vows of most Christian religious orders?
a. - Faith, love and charity
b. - Purity, honesty and kindness
c. - Poverty, chastity and obedience
d. - Faith, honor and commitment
15. Mary Babnik Brown's hair made a significant contribution to the US military in WWII. What was it used for?

1. Charles Dickens
2. Africa and South America
3. Svengali
4. Shotgun messenger (acceptable – Shotgun )
5. Moore
6. Dave Grohl, Dave Grohl, and Dave Grohl
7. Agatha Christie
8. Mental Telepathy
9. Amphibian
10. An Ice Drink
11. Muslim
12. Luzon
13. the Philippines
14. - c
15. Crosshairs in aircraft bombsights